Democracy IDEAs
Democracy IDEAs is brought to you by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA). Our podcasts share analyses, data, and insights from experts worldwide to help you understand the challenges of democracy in times of crisis. Find more information to empower you on decision-making processes at www.idea.int
49 episodes
La violencia política de género en la esfera digital es una batalla que recién comienza
A pesar de los avances en la representación política de las mujeres en América Latina, persisten desafíos significativos, como la violencia de género en la política. En esta conversación con Marcela Ríos Tobar, directora regional de...

UN talk with Ambassador Bob Rae: Challenges, democracy, and the way forward
International IDEA's Outreach and United Nations Liaison Officer, Amanda Sourek, talked to Ambassador Bob Rae, who serves as the 80th President of the United Nations Economic and Social Council and has been the Permanent Representative of Canad...

Why tackling inequality is key to protecting the planet, and democracy
Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Honorary President of the Club of Roam and co-author of Earth For All: A Survival Guide for Humanity’ has gathered the knowledge of an international team of scientists, economic thinkers, and multidisciplinary ex...

Defending democracy, safeguarding our planet – A dual imperative and how to win it
An interview with Luisa Neubauer, a German climate campaigner who is using both the courts and civic groups to push authorities to take climate policy more seriously.Access International IDEA's databases, reports and initiatives on Clim...

Legitimult: Making democracy crisis-proof II
This is the second of a three-episode series featuring LEGITIMULT, its findings and tools for addressing and solving future crises. Drawing from the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic the

Civic Assemblies as a form of public particiation in governance: An interview with Dr Sanskriti Menon
On the sidelines of the launch of IDEA’s latest report on climate assemblies in the Global South, Billie Phillips spoke to Dr Sanskriti Menon about the power of citizen assemblies as a tool of public participation in governance and her ex...

Expert Talks on Money in Politics: Financing Democracy in the EU and the UK
In this episode, Yukihiko Hamada, Programme Manager for Money in Politics, is joined by Dr. Sam Power and Dr. Wouter Wolfs to discuss how political finance shapes the political and electoral landscape in the EU and the UK. In this in-de...

Storms, Votes, and Reforms: How Climate Change Affects Elections
In this episode of Peer-to-Peer, we speak with Alice Hill and Erik Asplund to explore how extreme weather, intensified by climate change, impacts elections and disenfranchises voters. Alice and Erik share their insights on the challeng...

Money Talks: The High Stakes of Money in Indian Politics
The influence of money in Indian politics has long been a subject of debate, with concerns over its impact on democracy, governance, and the political landscape.In this episode, Khushbu Agrawal speaks to Milan Vaishnav, exploring this n...

A conversation on perceptions of electoral integrity with Pippa Norris
The world-renowned elections expert, Professor Pippa Norris, talks to International IDEA's Head of Communications Alistair Scrutton, and to Dr Seema Shah, Head of International IDEA's Democracy Assessment Unit, about the importance of electoral...

Connecting democracy and climate change in Asia and the Pacific
Democracy is on trial in the climate crisis. It is charged with having failed—and with continuing to fail—to prevent dangerous climate change. It is indicted on a fundamental breach of a key obligation of legitimate government—to ensure the saf...

Las controvertidas elecciones presidenciales en Venezuela
En esta conversación con Marcela Ríos Tobar, directora regional para América Latina de IDEA Internacional, se explican las polémicas elecciones presidenciales en Venezuela, desde las irregularidades en el proceso hasta la represión actual, así ...

The state of democracy in Latin America
International IDEA's Secretary-General, Kevin Casas-Zamora, discusses with Brian Winter, editor-in-chief of Americas Quarterly, a range of issues related to Latin American democracy, from what recent elections say about the region’s polit...

Expert talks on Money in Politics: Why does political finance matter?
Money – both received and spent – is part of the normal workings of democratic life. It enables political participation and representation. Money helps spread the voices and ideas that are the basis for democratic politics. It is nonethel...

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Elections and Disinformation
“What happens when suddenly people attack the integrity of the electoral process? Well, you actually need to have knowledge then because otherwise you are defenseless. If you know how elections work and how in many countries it's technica...

Taiwan: China's misinformation campaigns have become more subtle
International IDEA’s Anna Dziedzic spoke to Dr Yu Jie Chen to hear her reflections on the 2024 Taiwanese elections. They discuss the implications of the new status quo – in which neither of the two major parties hold a majority of legislature s...

Daniel Zovatto: “Hay que repensar la democracia”
Kevin Casas-Zamora, secretario general de IDEA Internacional y Daniel Zovatto, el director regional de IDEA Internacional en América Latina y el Caribe conversan sobre la evolución de la democracia en la región, los retos de la democracia y cuá...

Thailand: A decade of struggling for the return to democracy
The 'Global State of Democracy 2023 Report – The New Checks and Balances' highlighted that there are trends of contraction around the world, but also bright spots of hope. A day after International IDEA’s #GSoD2023 Global Launch event, Marcus B...

Legitimult: Making democracy crisis-proof
Drawing from the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic the

Claroscuros de la democracia en América Latina
Hace 45 años de que la tercera ola de la democracia bañara las costas de América Latina. Se perciben grandes avances, y hoy las elecciones competitivas son la regla en la región, a excepción de Cuba, Nicaragua y Venezuela. Sin embar...

Artificial intelligence and democracy
The prevailing view is that with primarily human-generated content, democracy has suffered widespread erosion due to the proliferation of misinformation and the manipulation of specific narratives that enhance polarization. To what extent can t...

Martin Wolf: The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism
A conversation between International IDEA's Secretary-General, Kevin Casas-Zamora and Martin Wolf, the author of the recently published book The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism.Martin Wolf is chief economics commentator at the <...

Chile’s constitution-building process
The ongoing 2023 constitution-building process in Chile, and its relationship with the failed 2021-2022 constitution-building process.GuestsIsabel Aninat: Dean of the Law School, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, and member of Inter...

Afghanistan, the Taliban and their stance on constitutions and laws
A conversation between International IDEA's Head of Communications and Knowledge Management, Alistair Scrutton and the authors of the recently published report "The Constitution and Laws of the Taliban 1994-2001: Hints from the Past and Options...